




Kosova > Employment Statistics

From official data of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.

Number of Persons Employed per 1000 People

Year	    Yugoslavia	      Kosova	    Participation of Kosova in Yugo. (%)

1952		      103		          48			      46.6
1962		      176		          77			      43.8
1972		      203		          88			      43.3
1982		      270		         118		      	43.7
1988		      292		         124			      42.5
Employment in Kosova by Ethnicity

Year		 Total		        Albanian	       Serb		        Montenegrin
1966		 91,673	         46,804	       33,514	           7,517
1968		 92,335	         48,176	       32,706	           7,451
1970		 98,504	         53,988	       32,739	           7,188
1974		128,538	         74,787	       39,912	           7,329
1976		142,935	         85,356	       42,775	           7,557
1978		160,007	         99,522	       44,352	           7,574
1980		176,394	        114,591	       45,183	           7,447
1982		192,234	        129,132	       45,389	           7,076
1984		205,259	        140,310	       46,249	           6,746
1986		220,745	        152,836	       48,429	           6,727
1988		234,511	        162,499	       51,092	           6,954

Note: Other nationalities, Turks, Romani, and others, have not been included in this list.

Source: Musa Limani, The Geographic Position, Natural Riches, Demographic Characteristics, and the Economical Development of Kosova (Prishtina, Kosova: The Association of Lawyers of Kosova, 1992).




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